Get active in politics

Do you want to get active in politics as a member of a political party? It's less expensive than you think
If you are wondering whether can civil servants join political parties, here is the answer. It costs as little as £1 a year to join a political party, and you don't have to be a British citizen – or even a resident in most situations – to do so. In some cases, you can even sign up your newborn. As supporters of Labour and the Liberal Democrats prepare to elect their leaders, Guardian Money examined the prices, rights, and constraints of political party membership in the United Kingdom, and discovered some startling conclusions. Labour is the most expensive of the six major parties, at £46.56 for a year's ordinary membership, while the Conservatives are one of the most affordable, with a maximum of £25. The Lib Dems' normal "suggested subscription" is £70 per year, yet the minimum is only £12 per year.There are discounts for young members, with most parties charging a minimal price of £5 or less for teenagers and young people. Except for the Conservatives and Ukip, who provide large discounts to members of the armed forces, all of the major parties offer concessions to low-income and/or unemployed people. What, on the other hand, does your money buy? Is it possible that being a member of a political party will harm your finances – or your career?What you will receive You can run for office in any of the major UK political parties, vote for your local MP candidate, and vote in the party's leadership elections if you are a member of one of the major parties. This is especially important for anyone who wants a say in who becomes Labour's future leader. To vote in the leadership election, applications must be filed by August 12th. The results will be published on September 12th. The deadline for leader nominations is June 15, while the deadline for deputy leader nominations is June 17.

How much does it set you back? Standard membership is £46.56 per year. Are there any concessions? You pay £23. 52 if you are retired, jobless, a member of an affiliated trade union, or work fewer than 16 hours per week. Armed forces members and 14-19-year-olds pay £1 in their first year, while 20-26-year-olds pay £12 a year. You must be at least 13 years old to participate. Is it necessary for you to reside in the United Kingdom? No, if you're British or Irish, you can't. Otherwise, you must have lived in the United Kingdom for at least a year. Do you have the ability to vote on party policies? If you are elected to the National Policy Forum, you will be able to do so.
Liberal Democrats
How much does it set you back? The cheapest annual subscription is £12, although the "recommended subscription" is £70. Are there any concessions? In the first year, students and those under the age of 26 pay £1, then £6. Anyone receiving state benefits (other than the state pension or child benefit) must pay £6.There are no age limitations. Is it necessary for you to reside in the United Kingdom? No. Do you have the ability to vote on party policies? Yes, if you're elected as a local representative to the party's annual convention.
Independence Party of the United Kingdom
How much does it set you back? A salary of £30 per year is expected, while a salary of £15 per year is the very minimum. Are there any concessions? Armed services personnel pay £5 a year, while under-22s pay £2. There are no age limitations. Is it necessary for you to reside in the United Kingdom? No. Do you have the ability to vote on party policies? Yes, at the party's annual meeting.
The Green Party is a political party
How much does it set you back? £31 per annum (standard). Are there any concessions? Low-income individuals pay £10.50 per year, whereas students pay £5 per year. There are no age limitations, however members must be of legal age to "understand and support the Green Party's goals. "Is it necessary for you to reside in the United Kingdom? No. Do you have the ability to vote on party policies? Yes, at the party's annual meeting.